We have three main functions in our work:
Research and evidence from diverse subject areas to benefit educators in schools.
Work collaboratively to create resources and curriculum ideas to change practice and mindsets.
Through new research based on democracy in education, environmental, STEM, philosophy, religion and ethics teaching and learning.
Through establishing and building networks of networks; global new norms.
Working collaboratively to collate diverse research evidence, co-creating resources and curriculum ideas to transform practice and mindsets
Through new research focused on Democracy in Education, Environmental-STEAM and Philosophy, Religion and Ethics teaching and learning.
Through establishing and building networks of networks to influence policy, people and practice.
There are three substantive areas of our research, aligned with the three key risks:
Risk One | Impact of climate change
Response: what is meant by ‘Living Sustainably’?
- What knowledge and skills are needed?
- How do schools foster life-changing relationships with nature and the earth?
Risk Two | Fracturing communities
Response: what is meant by ‘Living Well Together’?
- How do schools foster values-led education?
- How are diversities understood and embraced to trigger meaningful change in the way we engage with inclusion and diversity?
Risk Three | Self, Purpose and Meaning
Response: what is meant by ‘Living Well’?
- How do we embrace science, philosophy and spirituality to guide children towards a strong sense of self, community and purpose?
- What life skills are needed to support better chances and choices for all children?